Geese lost open water to the ice as the temperatures dropped during December. South lake looking south from bridge, 12/31/12 (Kelly Poole).
A total of 57 avian species (plus 1 sp.) was recorded this month at Ada Hayden Heritage Park (and my backyard).
Based on citations in the 3rd Edition of “The Birds of Story County, Iowa,” by Stephen J. Dinsmore and Hank Zaletel (2001), plus my personal updates to the records, the male Wood Duck on the 18th, the female Gadwall on the 31st, and the male Redhead on the 31stall tie the extreme late Fall records for Story County (1999 on Ames CBC, 2006 at AHHP, & 2004 at AHHP, respectively).
Listed below, following the species’ names, are the date(s) of sighting(s), plus the occasional miscellaneous information regarding numbers, gender (♂=male, ♀=female), age (im=immature, ju=juvenile, abp=adult breeding plumage, ad=adult, anb=adult non-breeding), color phase (b=blue, w=white), and location (BY=back yard, FY=front yard). The order follows the 52nd Supplement (2011) to the American Ornithologists’ Union Check-list of North American Birds and the 11th Supplement to the 7th Edition (1998).
SNOW GOOSE: 1 (3 ad w, 2 im w, 2 ad b), 5 (2 ad w, 1 ad b), 6 (1 ad w), 10 (6 ad w, 4 ad b),
11 (1 ad w), 12 (4 ad w), 13 (4 ad w), 14 (3 ad w), 15 (4 ad w)
ROSS’S GOOSE: 1 (1 ad w), 4 (1 ad w), 10 (1 ad w)
CACKLING GOOSE: 1, 4-6, 8-15, 17 (19+), 18-19, 21-28, 30-31
CANADA GOOSE: 1-15, 17-28, 30-31
TRUMPETER SWAN: 13 (9 ad), 20 (6 ad), 23 (1 ad), 25-28 (1 ad), 30-31 (1 ad)
WOOD DUCK: 18 (1♂)
GADWALL: 28 (1♀), 30-31 (1♀)
AMERICAN WIGEON: 2 (1♀), 3 (1♂ + 1♀), 8 (1♂ + 1♀), 10-14 (1♂ + 1♀), 22 (1♂ + 3♀),
23-24 (1♂ + 1♀), 28 (1♂ + 2♀), 30 (1♀), 31 (1♂ + 1♀)
AMERICAN BLACK DUCK: 11-14 (1♂), 23 (1♂), 27 (1♂), 31 (1♂)
MALLARD: 1-15, 17-28, 30-31
NORTHERN SHOVELER: 11 (1♀), 14 (1♀)
REDHEAD: 1 (1♂), 3 (1), 5-6 (1♂), 8 (1♂), 10 (1♂), 21-24 (1♂), 27 (1♂), 30-31 (1♂)
LESSER SCAUP: 5 (1♀), 8 (6♂ + 2♀), 10 (28♂ + 18♀), 11 (3♂), 12 (1♂)
BUFFLEHEAD: 3 (1♂), 10 (2♂)
COMMON GOLDENEYE: 11 (2♂ + 2♀), 12 (1♂), 14 (1♂)
HOODED MERGANSER: 7 (1♀), 14 (5♀), 15 (4♀), 17 (1♀), 21-23 (2♀)
COMMON MERGANSER: 14 (1♂), 19 (2♂), 22 (1♂ + 4♀)
RUDDY DUCK: 11 (1♀)
RING-NECKED PHEASANT: 2-3, 4 (1♂ BY), 6-7, 9 (1♂ BY), 11, 13 (1♂ BY), 15 (1♂ BY), 19,
20 (1♂ BY), 21, 25 (1♂ BY), 26, 27 (1♂ BY), 28 (20+), 31 (1♂ BY + 2)
BALD EAGLE: 3 (1 im), 9-10 (1 im), 12 (1 ad + 1 im), 14-15 (1 ad), 18 (1 im), 19 (1 ad), 21-22 (1 ad),
24 (1 ad + 1 im), 25-26 (1 ad), 27 (1 im + 1 ad)
COOPER’S HAWK: 2 (1 BY), 3 (1 ad BY), 5 (1 ad BY), 7 (1 ad BY + 1 im BY), 8-9 (1 ad BY),
11 (1 ad BY), 13-14 (1 ad BY), 15 (1 ad + 1 im + 1 ad BY), 19 (1 ad),
21 (1 im BY), 22 (1), 27-28 (1)
RED-TAILED HAWK: 1 (1), 2 (2), 3-7 (1), 8 (2), 9 (1), 10-11 (3), 12-13 (2), 14-15 (1), 18 (2), 19 (3),
21 (1 im), 22-23 (1), 24 (1 BY), 26 (1), 27 (1 + 1 dark), 28 (2), 30 (2), 31 (3)
MERLIN: 17 (1♀ prairie)
AMERICAN COOT: 1-5 (4), 6 (5), 7 (6), 8 (7), 9-10 (6), 11-15 (5), 17-19 (4), 21 (3), 22 (2), 24 (1),
27 (1)
RING-BILLED GULL: 1 (1), 5 (7), 6 (1), 10 (3), 13 (1)
MOURNING DOVE: 4 (1), 20 (1 BY), 28 (1 BY + 2), 31 (1 + 1 BY)
GREAT HORNED OWL: 8 (1), 10 (1), 12 (1)
BARRED OWL: 19 (1)
Owl sp.: 9 (1)
BELTED KINGFISHER: 14 (1), 17-18 (1♂), 19 (1), 21 (1♂)
RED-BELLIED WOODPECKER: 1-5, 7-8, 10-12, 14, 17-19, 22, 24, 28
DOWNY WOODPECKER: 1-15, 17-28, 30-31
HAIRY WOODPECKER: 2, 4-6, 12, 22
NORTHERN FLICKER (Yellow-shafted): 11 (1♀ BY)
NORTHERN SHRIKE: 3 (1), 13 (1), 14 (2), 15 (1), 17-19 (1), 27 (1)
BLUE JAY: 1-12, 14-15, 17-19, 21-28, 30-31
AMERICAN CROW: 1-15, 17-28, 30-31
BLACK-CAPPED CHICKADEE: 1-15, 17-28, 30-31
WHITE-BREASTED NUTHATCH: 1-6, 8, 10-15, 17-24, 27-28, 30
EUROPEAN STARLING: 1-8, 10, 12-15, 17-28, 30-31
CEDAR WAXWING: 1 (2 BY), 2 (31 BY), 6 (1 BY), 8 (10 BY), 11 (16 BY), 17 (12 BY), 19 (17 BY),
21 (5 BY), 22 (12), 24 (1 BY), 25 (4 BY)
AMERICAN TREE SPARROW: 1-15, 17-28, 30-31
SONG SPARROW: 3 (1), 6 (2), 10 (1), 15 (1), 21 (3), 22-23 (2), 24 (3), 27-28 (4), 30 (3), 31 (5)
WHITE-CROWNED SPARROW: 2 (4), 6 (2), 9 (2), 12 (1), 15 (2)
DARK-EYED JUNCO (Slate-colored): 1-15, 17-28, 30-31
DARK-EYED JUNCO (Oregon): 5 (1 BY), 17 (1 BY), 22 (1 BY)
NORTHERN CARDINAL: 1-15, 17-28, 30-31
RED-WINGED BLACKBIRD: 8 (17+), 13 (5)
HOUSE FINCH: 1-15, 17-28, 30-31
AMERICAN GOLDFINCH: 1-3, 5-15, 17-18, 20, 22-25, 27-28, 30-31
HOUSE SPARROW: 1-15, 17-28, 30-31
Unless indicated otherwise, the White-tailed Deer were antlerless. The yearlings were just about the same size as the adults.
COYOTE: 13 (yipping at night)
WHITE-TAILED DEER: 1 (1), 4 (5), 6 (7), 7 (5), 8 (1♂ + 3), 15 (4♂ + 3), 19 (2), 20 (4 BY),
21 (1♂ + 2 + 4 BY), 22 (3 BY + 4), 23 (7), 24 (4 BY), 25 (3 BY), 26 (4 BY),
27 (2 BY), 28 (2 BY + 1), 30 (3 BY), 31 (9 + 5 BY)
FOX SQUIRREL: 1-15, 17-28, 30-31
MUSKRAT: 7 (1)
EASTERN COTTONTAIL: 2-4, 9, 12, 18, 20-21, 23-28, 30
Wolf. Oesterreich