Monday, April 30, 2018

April 30, 2018: April 2018 Photo Collage

April 2018 photos from the blog by Wolf. Oesterreich, Kevin Kane, Tana Tesdall, and Paul Domoto.

Sunday, April 29, 2018

April 28, 2018: Mother Goose

Mother Goose left just long enough to get a peek at her nest.  (Kevin Kane, 4/29/18)

April 26, 2018: Common Loons

Numerous Common Loons were present on the main lakes from the end of March to early April.  Fifteen loons at one time was my high count.  (Another person reported 19 later that evening.)  A loon in breeding plumage is on the left, with one in non-breeding plumage on the right. (Wolf. Oesterreich, 4/7/18)

April 24, 2018: Spring Buds

Trees along the lake are beginning to leaf out. (Kevin Kane, 4/29/18)

Saturday, April 28, 2018

April 22, 2018: Hermit Thrush

Besides the American Robins, one of the early thrushes to migrate through our area is the Hermit Thrush.  Note that the tail is more reddish than the back. (Wolf. Oesterreich, 4/13/18)

April 20, 2018: Migrating Pelicans

Small to large bands of American White Pelicans migrating over the park northward during the second week of April. (Wolf. Oesterreich, 4/11/18)