Tuesday, March 31, 2015
March 27, 2015: Northern Leopard Frog
As I was riding along the lakes trail I caught a movement in the
grass. I turned around and soon discovered the first Northern Leopard
Frog of the year. 3/29/15 (Wolf. Oesterreich)
Sunday, March 29, 2015
March 26, 2015: Wetland Panorama
This composite photograph shows a southeast and south view across
the north wetland complex, as viewed from the northwest corner of the
Upland Trail. 3/25/15 (Wolf. Oesterreich)
March 25, 2015: Hayden Park News #26
Dear Friends:
I am pleased to announce that our Board of Directors has approved the creation of an endowment fund with the Story County Community Foundation. A generous donation of $10,000 from Roger and Kay Berger is the start of this endowment.
If you wish to contribute to this endowment fund, send a check payable to the Story County Community Foundation in any amount and tell them to designate it for the Friends of Ada Hayden Heritage Park Endowment fund. You will receive a 25 percent tax credit as well as an income tax deduction for the year you make the contribution. Or, you can donate online to the endowment fund (there is a 3.5% credit card fee). Questions about the endowment fund can be directed to:
Jennifer Garst, Ph.D., Executive Director
Story County Community Foundation | 416 Douglas Ave, Suite 202 (physical) or PO Box 1666 (mail) | Ames, IA 50010-1666
Voice: (515) 232-9200 | Email: jgarst@storycountyfoundation.org |
Web: www.storycountyfoundation.org
Story County Community Foundation is an affiliate of the Community Foundation of Greater Des MoinesWeb: www.storycountyfoundation.org
-- or me.
Erv Klaas
March 24, 2014: Stillness
Looking north from the south lake to the bridge, fishing pier, and northern hills. 3/19/15 (Kevin Kane)
Thursday, March 26, 2015
March 23, 2015: Ruddy Ducks
Here are 11 of the 30 Ruddy Ducks found on the 23rd. The male have
a solid white cheek patch, while the females have a thin line through
the white patch. None are in breeding plumage. 3/23/15 (Wolf. Oesterreich)
March 22, 2015: Hayden Park News #25
Dear Friends:
On April 6, the Iowa Conservation Corps, under contract with the Ames Parks and Recreation Department will begin implementing some aspects of the Vegetation Management Plan. As you may know, Jim Pease and I wrote the plan last year and discussed it at length with Director Keith Abraham and Parks Superintendent Joshua Thompson.
The ICC will first work on restoring the small remnant of oak savanna on the south side of the park. They will remove understory of invasive honeysuckle, mulberry and other small trees. This opening of the canopy should allow prairie species that are known to occur there to express themselves. The ICC will also remove invasive Siberian elm saplings that have grown near our shrub plantings on the north side. Then, if time allows they will remove a stand of green ash and Siberian elm trees that grow just to the east of the boat ramp and Ding Darling's rock at the southwest corner of the south lake. Because of the spread of the green ash borer, an insect that kills ash trees, the city has adopted a policy of removing ash trees from city-owned property.
If you have any questions about this work please feel free to contact me by email or phone, 233-3327.
Erv Klaas
Photo of purple prairie clover by Kevin Kane
On April 6, the Iowa Conservation Corps, under contract with the Ames Parks and Recreation Department will begin implementing some aspects of the Vegetation Management Plan. As you may know, Jim Pease and I wrote the plan last year and discussed it at length with Director Keith Abraham and Parks Superintendent Joshua Thompson.
The ICC will first work on restoring the small remnant of oak savanna on the south side of the park. They will remove understory of invasive honeysuckle, mulberry and other small trees. This opening of the canopy should allow prairie species that are known to occur there to express themselves. The ICC will also remove invasive Siberian elm saplings that have grown near our shrub plantings on the north side. Then, if time allows they will remove a stand of green ash and Siberian elm trees that grow just to the east of the boat ramp and Ding Darling's rock at the southwest corner of the south lake. Because of the spread of the green ash borer, an insect that kills ash trees, the city has adopted a policy of removing ash trees from city-owned property.
If you have any questions about this work please feel free to contact me by email or phone, 233-3327.
Erv Klaas
Photo of purple prairie clover by Kevin Kane
Tuesday, March 24, 2015
Sunday, March 22, 2015
March 20, 2015: Spring on the North Slope
An eastward view along the north slope, as viewed from the northwest corner of the Upland Trail. 3/20/15 (Wolf. Oesterreich)
March 19, 2015: Cloudy Morning
This panorama shows the wooded area to the south (left) and the bluff and bridge to the right on the south lake looking west. The ice is completely gone from the lake. 3/19/15 (Kevin Kane)
March 18, 2015: Late March from the Air
Taken about this time 3 years ago, this aerial photo shows the central region of the park including the central wetland to the left, the bluff in the center and the bridge to the right. 2012 was much like this year in that the ice was gone from the lake by early/mid March. 3/28/12 (Jim Giglierano and Evan Keoster)
March 17, 2015: One Year Ago
The ice is out about two weeks earlier than last year. Here is a photo from one year ago today looking south from the hills. 3/17/14 (Kevin Kane)
Wednesday, March 18, 2015
March 16, 2015: Goodbye to the Ice
Monday's temps in the lower 80's as well as the high winds allowed most of the ice to melt and disintegrate over both lakes. 3/12/15 (Kevin Kane)
Tuesday, March 17, 2015
March 15, 2015: Oak Savanna Restoration
From Ames Tribune
Part of Ada Hayden to be restored as Oak Savanna
By Melissa Erickson
Associate Editor
A roughly three-acre section of parkland in the southeast corner of Ada Hayden Heritage Park will be restored to original oak savanna in April.
The area was identified for enhancement as part of a Land Management Plan developed between the Ames Parks and Recreation Department and the Friends of Ada Hayden Heritage Park organization.
- See more at: http://amestrib.com/news/part-ada-hayden-be-restored-oak-savanna#sthash.gdbd2oZY.dpuf
March 14, 2015: South Lake Melting
A northwest view across the mostly ice-covered south lake and
towards the bluff area. Only a few waterfowl were present along the
shore and the "hole" (open water in the ice). Many more were found at
Pool F, where I also observed 28 White-tailed Deer (does and their
yearlings) cross the shallow waters and ice. The first butterfly, a
Mourning Cloak, was observed on the 11th. 3/10/15 (Wolf. Oesterreich)
March 13, 2015: Eastern Comma
This Eastern Comma was one of two found at the bluff this
afternoon. However, this was the second species I've seen this year.
The first was a Mourning Cloak on the 11th. It flew alongside as I
crossed the bridge. 3/13/15 (Wolf. Oesterreich)
Sunday, March 15, 2015
Saturday, March 14, 2015
March 10, 2015: Capturing the Moment
Photographing wildlife is one of the many attractions to AHHP during the recent warm snap. 3/12/15 (Kevin Kane)
Friday, March 13, 2015
Sunday, March 8, 2015
March 6, 2015: Sticks on the Ice
From the Ames Tribune
A group of Iowa State University students enjoy a game of pick-up hockey at Ada Hayden Park on Thursday in Ames. Photo by Nirmalendu Majumdar/Ames Tribune - See more at: http://amestrib.com/news/sticks-ice#sthash.760jd8M4.dpuf
March 5, 2015: Hayden Park News 24
Friends of Ada Hayden Heritage Park
Spring is coming! The weather forecast is for temperatures in the 40's by this weekend and 50's next week. So get out and enjoy the park.
The first weekend of March is Aldo Leopold Week in Wisconsin and Iowa. On Saturday, March 7, we will celebrate Leopold's life and writings with the 8th Annual "Ames Reads Leopold." The event will be at the newly renovated Ames Public Library Auditorium, 2-5 pm. The program will consist of four parts: readings from "A Sand County Almanac", "Aldo Leopold's Southwest", an Op-Ed from The Ames Tribune, and the Emmy award winning film, "Greenfire."
I hope you will come. Erv Klaas
Spring is coming! The weather forecast is for temperatures in the 40's by this weekend and 50's next week. So get out and enjoy the park.
The first weekend of March is Aldo Leopold Week in Wisconsin and Iowa. On Saturday, March 7, we will celebrate Leopold's life and writings with the 8th Annual "Ames Reads Leopold." The event will be at the newly renovated Ames Public Library Auditorium, 2-5 pm. The program will consist of four parts: readings from "A Sand County Almanac", "Aldo Leopold's Southwest", an Op-Ed from The Ames Tribune, and the Emmy award winning film, "Greenfire."
I hope you will come. Erv Klaas
March 4, 2015: From the Tribune - Mike & Pete
From the Ames Tribune
Mike Fatka, of Ames, plays with his Australian Shepherd, Pete, on the frozen lake in the cold temperature at Ada Hayden Park Wednesday in Ames. Temperatures are forecast to reach the 40s this weekend, and into the 60s next week. Photo by Nirmalendu Majumdar/Ames Tribune - See more at: http://amestrib.com/news/dog-days-winter#sthash.usHVdCIP.dpuf
Mar 2, 2015: Jensen Pond in the Snow
Thursday, March 5, 2015
Mar 1, 2015: Wolf's February 2015 Wildlife Report
One to five Song Sparrows have been found along the lakes trail
this month. They were usually feeding in exposed grass areas along the
edges of the trail. They would flush when approached and fly to denser
vegetation. 2/15/15 (Wolf. Oesterreich)
A total of 30 (plus 1 sp.) avian species was recorded this month, ranking this month as the 6th highest February among 18 years of records. Surprisingly, not a single American Robin was observed this month.
14 (2 ad), 15
(6 ad + 3 ju), 18 (4 ad), 19 (2 ad), 21-22
(6 ad + 3 ju), 27 (2 ad), 28
(6 ad + 3 ju)
20 (1 ad), 22
(1 ad + 1 im), 24 (1 ad), 26 (1 ad), 28 (1 ad)
14 (2), 15 (4), 16
(3), 17 (1), 18-19 (2), 20 (1), 22 (1), 23 (2),
26 (4), 27 (2), 28 (4)
Wolf. Oesterreich
A total of 30 (plus 1 sp.) avian species was recorded this month, ranking this month as the 6th highest February among 18 years of records. Surprisingly, not a single American Robin was observed this month.
Listed below, following the species’ names, are the date(s) of
sighting(s), plus the occasional miscellaneous information regarding numbers,
gender (♂=male, ♀=female), age (im=immature, ju=juvenile, abp=adult breeding
plumage, ad=adult, anb=adult non-breeding), color phase (b=blue, w=white), and
location (BY=back yard, FY=front yard).
The order follows the 55th Supplement (2014) to the American
Ornithologists’ Union Check-list of North
American Birds and the 14th Supplement to the 7th
Edition (1998).
GOOSE: 2, 5-7, 9, 20 (1)
GOOSE: 1-28
SWAN: 3 (12 ad + 3 ju), 4 (6 ad + 3 ju), 5 (5ad + 3 ju), 7 (2 ad),
PHEASANT: 2, 24, 26 (6)
EAGLE: 2 (1 ad), 4 (1 ad), 11 (1 ad), 14 (1 im), 15-16 (1 ad), 17 (1 im), 19 (1
HAWK: 9 (1)
HAWK: 1 (1 ad BY)
sp.: 25 (1 BY)
HAWK: 3 (1), 5-6 (1), 10 (1), 12 (1), 13 (2), 16-19 (2), 20 (1), 23-24 (1),
HAWK: 20 (1 dark adult)
DOVE: 2 (1 BY)
WOODPECKER: 5, 7, 16-17, 23, 28
WOODPECKER: 1-4, 6-7, 9-20, 22-28
SHRIKE: 4 (1), 19 (1), 27-28 (1)
JAY: 1, 9, 14-16, 18-20, 22, 26-28
CROW: 2-11, 13-17, 19-20, 22-24, 26-28
CHICKADEE: 1-2, 4-20, 22-28
NUTHATCH: 7, 13, 16 (3), 17, 20, 23, 28
STARLING: 1, 3-5, 7-20, 22-25, 28
TREE SPARROW: 1-8, 10-15, 20, 23, 26
SPARROW: 2 (4), 3 (5), 4 (1), 5 (5), 6 (4), 7 (3), 8 (2), 9 (4), 10-12 (2), 13
SPARROW: 2 (1), 3 (2), 5 (2), 6 (1), 8 (1), 13 (1), 26-27 (1), 28 (2)
JUNCO (Slate-colored): 1-28
FINCH: 1-28
GOLDFINCH: 1-2, 4, 7, 9-10, 13, 15-18, 24, 25 (4), 28 (2)
Unless indicated otherwise, the
White-tailed Deer were antlerless.
DEER: 3 (3), 9 (2 BY), 22 (1 BY)
SQUIRREL: 1, 4, 6-8, 10-16, 19-22, 24-26, 28
COTTONTAIL: 1-4, 6-20, 22-28
Wednesday, March 4, 2015
Feb 28, 2015: February 2015 Photo Collage
February 2015 photos from the blog by Wolf. Oesterreich, Kevin Kane, Maggie Hamilton, and LaDan Omidvar.
Feb 26, 2015: Ice
Crusty snow formations on the north lake ice, a day before the latest snowfall. 2/24/15 (Wolf. Oesterreich)
Tuesday, March 3, 2015
Feb 24, 2015: Waiting for Lunch
So where's lunch? Canada Geese on the south lake ice, near the spillway at the SE corner. 2/20/15 (Wolf. Oesterreich)
Feb 23, 2015: Snow on the North Slope
An eastward view along the north slope, as viewed from the
northwest corner of the Upland Trail. Missed the sunshine by 3 minutes. 2/20/15 (Wolf. Oesterreich)
Monday, March 2, 2015
Feb 20, 2015: Melting Ice
On a warm afternoon, some melting on the northwest corner of the north lake, looking east toward the shelter. 2/7/15 (Kevin Kane)
Sunday, March 1, 2015
Feb 18, 2015: Geese in Flight
Sun and thin clouds paint a background for the geese flying to the west of the park. 2/7/15 (Kevin Kane)
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