The Big Bluestem Audubon Society meeting
Thursday, 4/19/12
At 5:15 pm we will have an informal get together before the meeting at the Olde Main restaurant located at 316 Main St in Ames. Our speaker for the evening, Stephanie Sheperd will meet us there and we can enjoy some food and good company. Join us if you can.
At 7 pm we will start the main meeting at the Extension 4-H building.
(for directions, go to and click on meeting places, meeting locations). Be prepared to share a nature experience you have recently had if you so desire.
Stephanie Sheperd is a Wildlife Diversity Technician with the Iowa DNR and will present Frogs and Toads in Iowa. She leads research into Iowa’s frog and toad populations. You will have an introduction to the songs of Iowa’s most vocal wetland residents. Come learn why Iowa’s amphibians are of such conservation concern and how you can identify these critters by sight and by sound.
We will close with refreshments and more time to get to know each other better.
See you Thursday!
Gary Erbes
President BBAS
Ames, Iowa
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