While standing on Weir N and looking for Odonates, I spotted an American Mink (Mustela vison)
hunting below. I was on the south end and the mink came from the north, swimming along the bottom of the weir, catching small fish when
possible. When it reached the south end it happened to look up and spot
me. The mink ran up the bank and into the vegetation. I watched as it
scurried around the culvert (outlet to the south lake) and then end up
back at the north end. Once again, the mink swam along the edge of the
weir, looked up at me to see if I was still there, and ran around. The
American Mink did this again for a third time. However, when it reached
the north end, it ran off into the vegetation, probably tired of this
"game". 8/9/16 (Wolf. Oesterreich)
Great observation. Great photo!