Saturday, February 29, 2020

Feb 29, 2020: February 2020 Photo Collage

February 2020 photos from the blog by Kevin Kane and Wolf. Oesterreich.

Feb 27, 2002: Yakin' and Quackin'

Five mallards quack it up on the edge of the ice shelf on the south lake. (Kevin Kane, 2/29/20)

Feb 25, 2020: Ice Fishin' for Trout

The Iowa DNR held another of its annual family friendly ice fishing events at the park on Saturday, Feb. 8th. (Kevin Kane, 2/8/14)

Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Feb 23, 2020: The Birds

Geese fill the sky as the return to the lake at dusk after feeding in nearby fields. (Kevin Kane, 2/23/13)

Feb 21, 2020: Golden Grasses

Prairie grass against the reflected golden rays of a late winter sunset. (Kevin Kane, 2/25/12)

Feb 19, 2020: Landing

Canada Geese returning from their morning feeding to the open water and ice at the south lake's NE corner.  Also present are some Mallards. (Wolf. Oesterreich, 2/18/20)

Feb 17, 2020: Solitary Swan

Kevin Kane, 2/23/13

Sunday, February 23, 2020

Feb 15, 2020: Thank You!

A big thank you to the City of Ames for keeping the trails open all winter long for our winter recreation hikes around the lake! (Kevin Kane, 2/21/19)

Feb 13, 2020: Bridge in the Fog

The bridge enveloped by today's fog. (Wolf. Oesterreich, 2/3/19)

Feb 11, 2020: A Walk with the Family

A family unit (2 adults + 4 immatures) just before they took flight from the south lake ice.  They were part of a total of 103 swans this morning.
Update on the dead Trumpeter Swan: Although the swan was injured on one side of its body and was predated upon, the reason for its weakened condition was due to lead poisoning. (Wolf. Oesterreich, 2/11/20)