Saturday, October 31, 2020

Oct 31, 2020: October 2020 AHHP Photo Collage

 October 2020 photos from the blog by Wolf. Oesterreich, Kevin Kane, Tonya Moore, and Kelly Poole.

Oct 29, 2020: Goodnight October

A lone fisherman on the east shore of the north lake takes in a beautiful late October sunset. (Kelly Poole, 10/28/20)

Oct 27, 2020: Orange-crowned Warbler

Orange-crowned Warblers are one of the last migrating warbler species.  They also winter further north than most other warblers.  (I have never seen the orange crown, which is usually only visible when the bird is excited.  I guess all the ones I have seen have been quite calm.) (Wolf. Oesterreich, 10/3/20)

Oct 25, 2020: Seeds for Spring

These grasses full of seed heads remind us that nature is already preparing for spring.  Taken in the north prairie, northwest of the shelter. (Kevin Kane, 9/26/20)

Friday, October 30, 2020

Oct 23, 2020: Pine Siskin

Pine Siskins have already made it down from the north.  If you have thistle feeders, watch for them.  Most times you'll find them in flocks of varying numbers. (Wolf. Oesterreich, 10/11/20)

Thursday, October 29, 2020

Oct 21, 2020: Red Tide

This red tide is a good one, as turning maple leaves fall at the east shoreline of the south lake. (Kevin Kane, 10/19/14)

Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Oct 19, 2020: Eastern Bluebird

Several Eastern Bluebirds appear to be roosting in the trees around Jensen Pond.  In the mornings they are flying about.  This male was found perched along the Quarry Estates spur. (Wolf. Oesterreich, 10/8/20)